“If June was the beginning of a hopeful summer, and July the juice middle, August was suddenly feeling like the bitter end.” – Sarah Dessen
MK Boxing Gym is open and welcomes you to all our regular classes and PRIVATE TRAINING LESSONS.

Boxing classes for beginner and advanced boxers are offered at our gym. The age range is from 12 years old (or younger) – to those in their 60’s. Read more
CHILDREN BOXING CLASSES – Training in boxing will make your kids stronger. As an extra to the physical benefits, they will learn techniques and punching combinations. Read more
At kickboxing classes you will learn how to efficiently attack, improve your ability to throw kicks and punches while moving and remaining balanced. Read more
Muay Thai classes have a heavy focus on body conditioning. Thai is specifically designed to promote the level of fitness required for ring competition. Read more
Jeet Kune Do (JKD) is a collaboration of different martial arts styles that can be used in self-defense. JKD topics and techniques may include boxing, Muay Thai, grappling, hand trapping. Read more